Leading edge contemporary birth control


Long-acting, immediately reversible and highly effective (99.2-99.8%), the IUD is recommended as the first-line method of contraception. They are great for youth, adolescents, adults, immediate postpartum and for later reproductive years including peri-menopausal women experiencing abnormal periods.

Hormonal IUDs are also used for cycle control in women  struggling with heavy and/or painful periods.

One of the greatest benefits of an IUD ,is that its success does not depend on the user, as once it is placed, you can simply forget and not worry. Also, it is discrete and cost-effective.

IUDs are also effective as emergency contraception if placed within seven days of unprotected intercourse.

Since many GPs do not offer IUD insertions, we’re here to provide expert care and support.

IUD Basics

The IUD is a small, soft T-shaped device that is inserted into your uterus, also known as your womb, to prevent pregnancy.

Some IUDs contain a hormone (Mirena and Kyleena LNG IUS) called progesterone which can reduce menstrual bleeding or stop menstruation altogether.

Whereas , Copper IUDs , are hormone free and the top choice for women who want to avoid hormones.

Let’s sit down and see what best suits your lifestyle.

How effective is an IUD?

An IUD is one of the most effective contraception methods – it is 99% effective and lasts between 3 to 8 years, depending on the type.

Types Of IUDs Offered In Our IUD Clinic in Langley

There are two styles of IUDs available in Canada.

1. Mirena or Kyleena are hormonal (progesterone-based) IUDs and are free of Estrogen . Mirena can be used for up to 8 years for contraception .Mirena is also indicated for management of heavy or painful periods. Kyleena IUD lasts for  5 years for birth control.

Mirena and Kyleena IUD both release a small, steady amount of a hormone called levonorgestrel, which is similar to a natural hormone your body makes. This hormone thickens the mucus in your cervix to block sperm and makes the lining of your uterus thinner, so your periods become lighter or may stop completely. This can be great for women with heavy periods, athletes, or anyone who wants to avoid monthly bleeding. These IUDs can be taken out anytime, are safe to use while breastfeeding, and don’t affect your ability to get pregnant in the future.

Kyleena IUdMirena IUd

2. Copper IUD is the only form of brith control that is completely hormone free and are an excellent choice for women who prefer to avoid hormones for whatever reason including breastfeeding mothers and women with depression or anxiety who want to avoid hormones that might alter mood.

Copper IUDs have a lifespan of 3, 5 or 10 years depending on the style.

It consists of a small piece of flexible plastic, shaped like a T , that has copper wrapped around it. That’s why it’s called a copper IUD.

Non-hormonal Copper IUDs release copper into the uterine cavity preventing pregnancy by stopping sperm from fertilizing an egg and reducing sperm movement. It also causes thickening of the cervical mucous which acts as a plug preventing sperm from entering the uterus.

The copper that is released inside the uterus can make the periods last longer, or they might become more painful and/or heavier which ususally settles after the first few cycles . However, if this persists at 6 months speak to your health-care provider heavy flow can lead to Iron loss and anaemia.

copper IUd

IUD Insertion

An IUD can be inserted at any time during your cycle, as long as pregnancy is ruled out. If you haven’t been pregnant before, we often recommend scheduling your insertion during or just after your period to make the process smoother. To ensure your comfort, we use a local anesthetic (freezing) to numb the cervix during the procedure. For those who need additional support, we also offer oral or inhaled sedation in select cases to help manage any discomfort.

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IUD Care

Most women are able to return to work immediately after the procedure. At our clinic, we recommend that for the first 24 hours after an IUD insertion or removal, you avoid placing anything inside the vagina to lower the risk of infection. During the first 24 hours, we suggest using pads or panty liners and taking showers. After 24 hours, you can resume all normal activities, including hot tubs, swimming, and the use of menstrual cups or tampons.

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IUD Removal

When you choose to change contraception methods, plan a pregnancy, replace your expiring IUD or simply discontinue use, the IUD can be easily removed at our clinic.

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Ready for an IUD or the Nexplanon ® Subdermal Implant?

Here is the patient referral form.

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